Friday, September 7, 2007

Westmoreland candidates get testy

Republican county commissioner candidate George Dunbar on Thursday accused Democratic incumbents of excessive spending and plunging Westmoreland County finances into a downward spiral.

Democratic Commissioner Tom Balya's spokesman responded by pointing out that Dunbar, a certified accountant, worked for a company that subsequently went bankrupt.

Ted Kopas, a spokesman for Balya, said Dunbar's opinions on county finances are therefore not credible.

Kopas released a file detailing the bankruptcy case of Wright Industries, an underground-utility contractor for whom Dunbar worked as chief financial officer until 2005. The bankruptcy case, filed March 6, includes unpaid bills from Dunbar's tenure with the firm, Kopas said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good story. Isn't it amazing how these whiny Repugs try to make a political story out of falsely challenging the financial condition of Westmoreland County which is in excellent finacial shape thanks to our experienced Democrat leadership? Then Georgie "that's dirty" Dunbar cries foul when it's pointed out that his last job (2 years ago!) was as CFO of a company that went BANKRUPT! Look at the website for Wright Industries of Etna, Pa. It says Dunbar was IN CHARGE of the day to day finacial affairs. Whoa! I hope the taxpayers here don't put that kind of CFO in charge of my tax dollars. I guarantee you our taxes in Hempfield Twp. are going up next year - just ask the supervisors who aren't running & while you're at it ask Republican County Commissioner Light if he thinks the county's in bad shape.