Monday, October 8, 2007

Ordinary side of Mother Teresa expressed at St. Vincent College

Mother Teresa had a sense of humor, a stubborn streak, often was mesmerizing and always had a prayer in her heart.

That was just some of what those who packed the auditorium Saturday night at St. Vincent College's Robert S. Carey Performing Arts Center learned about a woman who ministered to the poor, sick, orphaned and dying for more than 40 years.

"I didn't notice a moment with Mother where the next moment wasn't a prayerful moment ... where the next moment wasn't for Jesus," said Jan Petrie, who co-produced two documentaries of Mother Teresa's life with her sister Ann.

Petrie took part in a panel discussion as part of the weekend's "Remembrances of Mother Teresa of Calcutta by Her Family and Friends." The event commemorated the 10-year anniversary of her death.